Cruising around the world on an aluminum catamaran.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 20 - Broughton Lagoon to Shawl Bay

It felt like we had spent the night in a washing machine. There were even suds in the water all around us in the morning. The very strong tidal currents flowing in and out of Broughton Lagoon created plenty of eddies and back currents. This made the boat swing on her anchor in a complete circle. Turning clockwise, we would watch the trees pass by. Then counter-clockwise, the same trees moving in the other direction. It was kind of like the teacup ride at Disneyland; not strong enough to make you puke, just enough to make you dizzy and maybe upset your stomach a bit.

Under cloudy skies we left our anchorage and headed up Kingcome Inlet. Towering mountains rose around us and plunged to great depths in the middle of the waterway. That kind of environment can make you feel very, very small. We made it to where Kingcome Inlet branches off to Wakeman Sound, then turned around and headed back.

We made it to Shawl Bay, a marina frequented by cruisers. Seemingly thrilled to see some “young blood”, we were invited repeatedly to attend a memorial service, Happy Hour, and a Potluck dinner that night. This is the first time we have made the cultural leap to get to know some of the other cruisers. This is a friendly and dedicated group of people. Most that we met have been exploring these waters for decades and have known each other for the same amount of time. They are absolute treasure troves of information about the area. One thing we did learn – we have so, so much exploring left to do. We are merely scratching the surface on this trip, there are many more summers of uncharted adventure ahead of us.

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