Cruising around the world on an aluminum catamaran.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Day 5 - Cortes Bay to Heriot Bay (Quadra)

Today was our last day with Marla, our hired instructor from Cooper Boating. We kind of wondered for the last couple of weeks before we left whether it was really going to be worth the money we spent to bring her on board. But now that we are on the other side of our Basic Cruising course, all 4 of us are in agreement that it was money well spent. We all learned a lot. Not only is Marla extremely knowledgeable about boating, sailing, and catamarans, thankfully she is fun, funny, tells great stories, laughed at our stupid jokes, and was a pleasure to have on board. When she hopped off the boat, it felt like we were saying goodbye to a new friend. Marla – you are always welcome to crew on our boat! I look forward to the day when our paths cross again!

Our journey from Cortes Bay to Heriot Bay on Quadra Island was calm and quick. A relatively short 3 hour trip, the anchor was down again just after 1:00 pm in Rebecca Spit Marine Park. Happy Hour started early today - we were blessed with fierce sunshine and no wind at all, making us feel like we were somewhere tropical. We dingied to shore for provisions in the late afternoon, got a little taste of the local culture (like all small BC islands - a mix of folks who have been living here for generations, and folks with their new-waterfront-cedar-houses-and-silver-convertibles), then dingied back in the evening for dinner at the local pub.

By the time we got into the dingy for our journey back to the boat, the phosphorescence in the water was stunning – it looked like we had neon blue lights illuminating our wake. In our haste to get to the pub, we had forgotten to turn on our anchor light at the top of the mast. A big thank you to the boat anchored next to us, who must have heard us coming (in retrospect, most of the bay probably heard us coming) and shone his spotlight on Thunderpussy so we could see where to go. We would have found it eventually, but probably not before we woke up everyone else anchored in the bay.

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