Cruising around the world on an aluminum catamaran.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Day 6 - Heriot Bay to Octopus Island Marine Park (Quadra)

Despite their best efforts to arrange a water taxi and re-arrange their flights home, the reality of the “island time” slower pace of life and less frequent scheduling (no water taxis on a Sunday? Really?!) meant our dear crew of Shannon and Shaun had to depart as originally planned. We would have loved for them to stay a few more days – help with pulling up the anchor, adjusting the sails, taking the helm, charting our course, making meals, pouring drinks, and choosing playlists is always appreciated. We will miss your smiles, enthusiasm, and laughter. But as you know – this is just the beginning. There will be many more trips for you to crew on. We’ll see you back in the big city!

After saying our fare-ye-wells and filling the tanks with more diesel, our crew of 2 headed back out into the blue. We motored up Hoskyn Channel between Quadra and Read Islands, then passed between Peck and Stuart Island. This Beazley Passage was narrow, and we passed through it on an ebb tide. Cap’n Adam commandeered the boat like a pro, but the water was swirly and a bit unpredictable. We definitely could feel the power of the sea beneath us. Continuing through Surge Narrows, we then motored through Okisollo Channel between Quadra and Maurelle Islands until we reached our destination of Octopus Islands Provincial Marine Park on the north end of Quadra.

The anchor was back down again by noon, and we spent another day in the scorching sunshine. We decided to take a dingy tour around the marine park in the late afternoon, to generate a bit of breeze in our faces to cool ourselves off. Seals, raccoons, a weasel, and plenty of other boats, but alas, we spotted no octopus.

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