Cruising around the world on an aluminum catamaran.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 12 - Spout Islets to Mound Island

We awoke to seclusion in our bay, and cloudy skies. The boys went fishing as morning turned into afternoon. The girls relaxed and prepped some food in anticipation of fresh protein. Successful they returned, and we had a great salmon lunch before we hauled up the anchor and headed to our next spot.

We crossed Blackfish Sound between Hanson and Swanson Islands. On glassy calm waters with the sun returned to its blue sky, we watched in awe of a school of Orcas swim before us. In the far distance, two Minke whales blow-holed their presence to us, too.

Before long we were at Mound Island, we anchored in a bay between it and Harbledown Island. Our guidebooks told us that here was the site of an ancient settlement, with middens and evidence of longhouses. It is also a popular spot for kayakers, and as we threw the anchor down a small motor boat did the same, closer to shore. People with tents and a dog hopped onto the beach and set up camp.

We dingied to shore and checked it all out (more on that in tomorrow’s blog entry). The four of us later tried to fish in the dingy as the sun was going down, with no luck. Back to the boat for the second barbequing of salmon for the day, several more beverages, and deep sleeps.

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