Cruising around the world on an aluminum catamaran.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 13 - Mound Island

Today was our first complete day without picking up the hook. We didn’t go anywhere today. We slept in late, the new crew went fishing in the afternoon, and Cap’n Adam did some splicing for his new bumper line. New bumpers got put out, too - they look great!

The crew returned with a Dream Fish, a kind of cabazon. Traditionally it was only served to the chief’s family and medicine men, as it was rarely caught and considered special. It had thick, hearty & delicious meat which we enjoyed breaded and fried.

I returned to the island to take some pictures in the evening light. Another one of those situations where pictures don’t quite do it justice, but there is a palpable energy to this place. Long flat sections where longhouses probably stood, circular arrangements of rocks where a fire-pit probably stood, and huge mounds of broken shells. The path around the rest of the island was rudimentary at best. We didn’t find the thousand year old tree we read about, giving up the hunt with raw and bloodied ankles from so many thistles and thorns.

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