Cruising around the world on an aluminum catamaran.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 17 morning - Sointula to Port McNeill

As soon as we opened our eyes, we knew it was sunny. We haven’t had wake-up sun for more than a week now, it was sure great to see it return. We hopped out of bed, ate a quick breakfast, and were pleased to see that there were 2 bicycles at the marina office, just waiting for us to borrow!

We peddled back into town on a New-Hoodie-Mission for Cap’n Adam. And there were so many photos ops, I’m posting some more from this morning before we head back out into the sea.

We are in Port McNeill now, bidding fare-ye-wells to our second crew. Mike & Jeannette – thanks so much for coming! That was a total blast, and it is great to have some friends to share those memories of Mound Island, Village Island, Alert Bay & Sointula. Mike, your protein gathering skills, and Jeannette, your galley keeping skills, were appreciated. Welcome to the red toque crew. See you back in Vancouver!

From here, we are headed across Queen Charlotte Strait, to Drury Inlet near the mainland. We are headed to the most north-western part of the Broughton Archipelago. We will wind our way south again through the village of islands, and we will post blogs wherever possible. We did experience big sections with no Telus reception in the south part of the archipelago, so we may be out of communication for a little while. See you on the other side!

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