Cruising around the world on an aluminum catamaran.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

day 32 – Victoria

Overnight we heard something we haven’t heard for more than a month – the sound of rain. The weather had changed for us quite dramatically – the beautiful, hot sunny day we enjoyed yesterday turned into a chilly evening, which then turned to showers. And this morning there was a Gale Force Wind Warning in effect for both where we were, and where we were headed. It looked like there was a good possibility that we would be going nowhere today.

So, during a break in the downpour off we went to Yates Market to get provisions (what a great grocery store!). By the time we got back, we had decided it was best to spend another night tied to our choice berth in downtown Victoria. And quite honestly – I was most happy to do this. We have been moving at a consistent and assertive pace to get around this island – the thought of having a “day off” to lie around, read my book (oh Lisbeth Salander, you do so intrigue me with your situation), and feel cozy in our boat on a cold rainy day seemed irresistible. And because we were tied up to a dock with power, I could even plug in some space heaters, an absolute luxury after 31 days with nothing but the sun, sweaters, down blankets, and rum to keep us warm.

During the day Cap’n Adam was finally able to locate precisely where the leak in the fresh water was coming from, and by closing the correct pipe he was able to stop the trickle until it can be better dealt with later. And although we are in the city, we still opted to prepare our meals and eat on the boat, as more of our budget than expected was being given to the Victoria Harbour Authority for letting us sleep here.

At all other Government Docks we’ve tied up to, the standard rate is $0.75 / foot, per night. For this 40’ boat, that’s $30 & HST per night. You pay about $8-9 more if you want shore power (if it’s available), and usually water is free (if available), except Tofino where we had to pay for water. We never bothered to realize that certain docks, such as the downtown Victoria and I would also assume the downtown Vancouver Government Docks, cost more in the peak season. $1.40 per foot, per night is the rate for this dock, which is $56 & $9 for power & HST per night. It makes me appreciate the real value of the anchor, and how quickly the new anchor bridal and line that Cap’n Adam invested in has already paid for itself.

But what a great place to sleep downtown Victoria in a boat is. $68 a night or whatever it ended up costing us for this berth is totally worth it.

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