Cruising around the world on an aluminum catamaran.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

day 15 – Bunsby Islands to Rugged Point (Lo49°58.4N’L127°14.8’W)

This was the first morning for quite a while that we did not set our alarms to hear the earliest weather forecast. After breakfast the boys went exploring in the dinghy, the girls stayed behind and soaked up the rays and read their books. Then up came the anchor, and we motored through glassy waters, there was not even enough wind to hoist the jib. First we passed through the widespread rocks and isles of the Barrier Islands and the slightly more concentrated Mission Group of Islands, then on the inside of Kyuquot Sound through Nicolaye Channel. After passing Union Island we arrived at Rugged Point, in the south corner of Kyoquot Channel. Rugged Point is absolutely beautiful – there are long, white sands beaches connected by well maintained trails. One of our crew members learned how to surf at this spot when he was 16. We anchored in a corner of the bay that we hope will be protected from the outflow winds of the island’s mountains. And we have the whole place (almost) to ourselves. Today has been one of the hottest days we’ve had so far – with no cool breeze to compensate the sunrays coming both from the sky and reflecting off of the water it gets pretty warm, pretty quick. Tomorrow we head for Zeballos, home for 2 of our crew and a chance for remaining crew to get desperately needed provisions of all sorts. And have land showers. Mmm, land-showers…

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