Cruising around the world on an aluminum catamaran.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Day 2 - Plumper Cove to Smuggler Cove

In the early morning of our second day we were woken by a regular and heaving wake in the anchorage at Plumper Cove.  We never did determine from where it originated; we thought it must be ferry wake but we were not in the path of such a source.  Fishermen racing out for the morning catch, perhaps?

Up early anyway, we hoisted the anchor and set out.  The day’s destination was about 4 hours against the wind and wave to Smuggler Cove on the Sunshine Coast.  The crew rode the rise and fall of the oncoming waves, and did their best to avoid the much appreciated but burning rays of the sun.

Once in the calmer waters of Smuggler Cove, we joined the throngs of weekend boaters and stern –tied to shore.  These salty waters were calm, warm, and inviting, and the entire crew enjoyed some playtime before dinner.

Just before bedtime, part of the crew headed out to drop the prawn trap just outside the Cove entrance.  Hopefully we’ll gather some sea-protein for the next part of our journey!


  1. My favourite place!! Wish I was able to join you!!

  2. I totally missed you and wished you were there, Sarah. It would have been fun to meet up with you in such a special place!!
