Cruising around the world on an aluminum catamaran.

Friday, August 03, 2012

Day 1 - Jericho Beach to Plumper Cove

Day 1 of this year’s “2012 British Columbia Summer Boating Adventure to Princess Louisa Inlet!” was the Friday evening after a busy work week for the entire crew.  While Shannon & Shawn spent their 9-5 daytime hours at their respective places of employment, Cap’n Adam & First-Mate Erin did all their own food prep & shopping, work-related conference calling, dog-sitter arranging and drop-offing, apartment cleaning, and laundry.

Once everyone’s work and preparations were complete, we met at Jericho Beach where Thunderpussy had been anchored for a week since fireworks.  We fired up the motors, lifted the anchor, ate some late dinner, and headed out west toward the mouth of Howe Sound.

This year we are headed all the way up to Princess Louisa Inlet, at the farthest tip of Jervis Inlet.  When talking to more seasoned British Columbia boaters, this is one of THE spots for people who are able to get there.  The magnificence of the snow-capped fjords and the beauty of the landscape and waterfalls at the end of the inlet are legendary to those care enough to give us their opinions.  But inlets seem to be a test of my courage – because the farther you travel into an inlet, the farther you have to travel to exit back out of it.  And Princess Louisa Inlet is deep, deep into the mainland of British Columbia.  This is going to be quite an adventure!

Passing south of Bowen Island we said goodbye to the sun for the day.  In the dark we rounded a cluster of small islands (including Worlcombe Island, Popham Island, Little Popham Island, Pasley Island, Mickey Island, Silver Island, Hermit Island, & Ragged Island) before reaching Keats Island and dropping the hook at Plumper Cove.  And then we enjoyed some well deserved Rum Shots and comfy, comfy boat beds!


  1. An extra rum shot evaporating on the galley counter will have to serve in lieu of my personage for the duration of the voyage. Shan & Shawn should get a boat and name it Lightningpenis.

    Happy Birthday Shannon-Shannon!

    Happy sails,


    1. :)

      wish you were here Dunc, we'll think of you every time we wipe up a rum spill.
