Sail Plan, July 31st –
Ok, here is the initial plan, if any folks we know want to join us for part of this journey. If you supply the booze, we’ll supply the cruise.
There can never be any solid plan when boating so this entire time line can pretty much be thrown out the window before we even start. But for those that have the crazy idea that boating will ever be on any kind of schedule, here goes. (These dates are give-or-take about a week. As you will see, the margin of error gets farther and farther apart. I.e. We may get back on August 16th or September 5th, who knows.)
- Departing from Ladner probably around Saturday July 31st
Reaching Cortes between August 2nd and 4th.
Reaching the north end of
- 1 to 4 nights from Cape Scott to Bunsby Islands (past Cape Cook) stopping overnight on the outside at any of the inlets, possibly the following places: Sea Otter Cove, Winter Harbour Quatsino Sound, Klaskish Inlet, Columbia Cove
Reaching one of the inlets past
- 1 to 3 nights from
to Kyuquot Sound stopping overnight in the sound at various places.
In Kyuquot Sound sometime between August 8th and 18th. map
Kyuquot Sound to
- 1 to 4 nights in Esperanza Inlet, through the inside of Nootka Island to Nootka Sound stopping overnight in the sound at various places probably stopping in at Zeballos in Kyuquot and Friendly Cove in Nootka.
Reaching Friendly Cove in
Reaching Tofino between August 11th and 27th.
Tofino to Bamfield August 11th – 31st
Reaching Bamfield between August 13th and 31st. map
Bamfield to Sooke August 13th – September 2nd
- 1 to 2 nights to Sooke Inlet stopping overnight possibly at Port Renfrew
Reaching Sooke between August 14th and September 2nd.
Sooke to
- 1 night to
- 1 to 3 nights to Scott Point Salt
spring stopping overnight in the gulf island somewhere.
Saltspring to Ruxton August 16th -
-1 to 2 days to Ruxton Island
and stay as long as possible, or do whatever, or return to Ladner moorage if we’ve run out of time
Holly crap, that was epic just getting that all down.
Yah, so, the plan is pretty much get up past Cortes and slow down from there. The inside passage up past Cortes wil
ng wind and current should be down the coast.
If you’re thinking of meeting up with us after about the first week (or you're sick of us after the first week) of this trip then flying may be the way to go, flights from YVR to (one way on Pacific Coast):
Port Hardy: $175
Things get pretty expensive flying if you want to hook up anywhere between Port Hardy and Tofino unless you’re doing a group rate through Tofino Air. It only makes sense if you can pack the plane. I think they take six passengers? They will drop you off anywhere as long as there is a dingy to row out to you which is not a problem. They won’t drop you on the rocks.
The proletariat chariot to Tofino is $66 from
Getting to or from
That’s about as much thought as I want to put into it at this stage. Just throwing that out there at this point, if you’re wondering what to do with yourself this August. Most people will never have the opportunity to see any of this part of the world and with the way things are going, it will never be the same.